EPASS User Meeting 2022News Live from #EPASSUserMeeting2022: Apply Multiple Payments to Invoices
Oct 19, 2022
Live from the EPASS User Meeting!
The EPASS User Meeting is this Wednesday to Saturday in Denver. Each day of the event, we’re featuring a training topic that one of our Training Specialists is presenting. Like what you see? Make sure you join us next year at #EPASSVancouver2023
Apply Multiple Payments to Invoices
Presented by Mimi Corsini
You can now import multiple payments into AR Transactions to fulfill multiple invoices at one time.
Before Starting:
To complete an AR import, you need the following security:

You also need an Excel file of the invoices being paid:

Import the Excel File:
- In EPASS, go to AR > Utilities > AR Transactions Import.

- Select your import file and map out the Excel columns.

- When you’re finished mapping out the import file, you can Preview the payment or click OK to apply the payment.

- After AR Import is complete, you can run an AR Posting to preview the applied payments.

Success! You’ve now applied multiple payments to your invoices, rather than entering one payment at a time! I hope you find this new time-saving feature useful in the future!

I’ve been part of the EPASS team for the past 5 years. I entered the Appliance Industry in 2003 as a bookkeeper for a family owned and operated appliance business. Working in the day-to-day operations of an Appliance company, and now being part of the EPASS team, I’ve spent a great deal of time managing and coaching staff on how to use EPASS to its fullest.