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EPASS User Meeting 2022News Live from #EPASSUserMeeting2022: Exporting and Importing PO Details

Oct 24, 2022

Live from the EPASS User Meeting!
The EPASS User Meeting is this Wednesday to Saturday in Denver. Each day of the event, we’re featuring a training topic that one of our Training Specialists is presenting. Like what you see? Make sure you join us next year at #EPASSVancouver2023

Importing and Exporting PO Details

Presented by Holly Booth

Did you know that you can import your purchase order details into EPASS, as well as export that data? You can! The PO Import feature enables you to import an Excel sheet with data into EPASS, and with the PO Export feature, you can send that data to a supplier in a format that they can use. Let’s take a look how.

Before Starting

To use the PO Export and Import features, you need to enable these two security options, found under Purchasing:

Exporting a PO

To export a PO for a supplier, you need to first select it in the Purchasing Maintenance screen. Go to Purchasing > Maintenance and then search for the PO you want to export.

Then, go to Purchasing > PO Export.

Select a file format. (There are several different export formats you can choose. Talk with your supplier to determine the format that they prefer.)

Once you’ve selected a file format, enter a file name, and then click OK. EPASS exports the PO data to the file format you selected. It’s now ready to send to your supplier.

Importing a PO

You can import a PO from an Excel spreadsheet. First, create a new PO by going to Purchasing > Maintenance, and then click Add.

Once you’ve entered the required PO header information, click OK. With the new PO on the Maintenance screen, go to Purchasing > PO Import.

Select the Excel file name that you are importing. Make sure that in the Excel file, column A is the model or item code, and column B is the quantity. Map the remaining columns (if necessary), then click OK to import.

The PO details are imported and the PO is ready for receiving and costing!

I’ve been with EPASS since February this year. I have over 8 years of experience in the Appliance Industry, and at least 5 of those were using EPASS. I also spent 4 years in the furniture industry on the manufacturing side with the custom product development team. When I’m not working, I’m either at the gym, hiking with my pup, trying a new restaurant, or exploring the world.