NewsSoftware Introducing EPASS Reports
Feb 23, 2022Introducing EPASS Reports – our newest web-based EPASS product!
If you’ve been using EPASS for a while, or even if you’ve just started, you’ve probably realized that one of its strongest features is its reporting capability. Getting quick access to critical information is the key to any successful business. Wouldn’t it be great to access that information from anywhere – like your smartphone, tablet, or a remote computer? With EPASS Reports, now you can!
EPASS Reports is our web-based reporting tool purpose-built for accessing and enhancing the EPASS reporting functionality. With EPASS reports, you can run and view reports on any device that can run a modern web-browser.
And having access to your reports from anywhere, anytime is not the only EPASS feature that is going to excite you. In this first post of a 3-part series, we’re going to highlight what we think are three of the top features that will take your business reporting to the next level!
#1 – Report Bookmarking
One of the reasons that EPASS reporting is so powerful is that you can completely customize the information you want to view and analyze. But setting report values every time you run your favorite reports takes time. Enter Report Bookmarking! With Report Bookmarking, you can save commonly selected report values and then run your customized reports with a single click! Use your time analyzing data, rather than setting up your reports.

#2 – Report Favorites
And speaking of favorite reports, how about having the reports you run consistently all in one place? You can do that with the Report Favorites feature! Build a collection of reports that you run consistently by adding them to your Favorites list. Your Favorites list sits right at the top of the EPASS Reports navigation pane for quick and easy access. Another great time-saving feature of EPASS Reports.
#3 – Report History
Need to view the OE-2 Dispatcher’s report from three weeks ago? Not a problem with EPASS Reports. Every report you run is kept in your History. You can download and view the report as many times as you need or even change the report parameters and run it again. Report details are also retained, including when the report was run and by who. Reports are kept in your history until you decide to delete them.

…and that’s only three features!
There’s a lot more that you can do with EPASS Reports, including scheduling and distribution. In our next post, we’ll take a closer look at three more unique features. Stay tuned!
EPASS Reports is launching soon for all of our EPASS customers. Click here to learn more, or contact us today at support@epass.software.