NewsSoftware EPASS Reports: Importing Custom Crystal Reports
Apr 26, 2022Welcome back to our third and final post in our “Intro to EPASS Reports”. So far, we’ve told you about a lot of the exciting features you can look forward to with EPASS Reports, such as Bookmarking, Favorites, and Report History, as well as Scheduling, Distribution, and Bursting.
But we’ve saved the best feature for last: custom Crystal Reports integration! That’s right – with EPASS Reports, you can import all of your custom Crystal Reports directly into EPASS Reports and take advantage of all the unique features that EPASS Reports has to offer.
Let’s take a closer look!

Import Your Custom Crystal Reports
EPASS is loaded with a lot of useful reports straight out of the box, but we know that your business is unique and there is never a “one-size-fits-all” solution. If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you probably have a growing library of customized Crystal Reports that you use to complement the reports you run in EPASS. Wouldn’t it be great to have ALL your reports in one place? With EPASS Reports, it’s possible! You can quickly and easily import your custom Crystal Reports and have everything together in one place. The Reports Manager in EPASS Reports makes importing and configuring your Crystal reports easy. Once your custom report is imported, you can control who has access to it by assigning security options and use all of EPASS Reports’ unique features, like Distribution and Bursting!
Customize the Reports UI
When you import your custom report, it will automatically use the rich EPASS Reports user interface.
For example, here’s what the UI looks like in Crystal Reports:

And here’s how it will look once it’s imported into EPASS Reports:

This gives all of your reports a consistent look and feel, but it also increases the ease of use for anyone in your organization that is analyzing your data.
In addition to the UI upgrade, you can also make some customizations. In the above example, you can see that “Branch” is a text field. A drop-down list would be better as you could choose from a list of your branches, rather than having to remember a particular branch code.
Making a change like that in Crystal Reports is a bit difficult, but in EPASS Reports, we’ve made it a lot simpler. You can easily replace fields with dropdowns, multi-select controls, finder controls, and more. Making your reports easier to use means less time spent on entering parameters and more on getting your important data!
No Need for Multiple Copies of Crystal Reports
Running your custom reports through EPASS Reports means you don’t need to buy and install a copy of Crystal for each person that is running reports. You only need a copy for the report designer. You’re free to give reporting access to those who need it rather than trying to balance the cost of another Crystal Reports license. Save money on license fees and invest it back into your business!
Making smart business decisions can only be done when you have the right information. With EPASS Reports, you’ll have the information you need to make the decisions that result in increased productivity and profits. Custom Crystal Reports, Distribution, Report Bursting, Scheduling, Favorites….EPASS Reports is full of time-saving and productivity features purpose-built to take your business reporting further than ever before.
We’re excited to launch EPASS Reports soon for all our customers and we can’t wait for you to take advantage of everything it has to offer. Click here to learn more, or contact us today at support@epass.software.